
Staff at The Children’s Room are available to speak by phone or zoom with adults to discuss a family’s unique needs during the grieving process. Consultations are very personal and tailored to the specific needs of each family’s situation. These sessions are for adults only and are designed to support individuals and families impacted by death, life-threatening illness, or any other loss.

One-Hour Sessions

Our adult consultations are typically one-hour sessions and focus on providing families with specific tools and strategies for coping with a loss.

If you are interested in scheduling an Adult Consultation, please CONTACT US HERE.

Letter From A Parent

“… As I reflect back, I can’t really describe to you how important The Children’s Room was to our family. I think that my kids have transitioned to a good place – but there is always more work to be done. Last month, Mary was given a school assignment to give a speech in front of her class about any topic important to her. She gave a speech entitled “The Hole in My Heart” and she talked in front of all the kids about the death of her mother. Without The Children’s Room I don’t think she would have been able to do this. Thank you so much and say hi to all our friends at The Children’s Room.” Thanks!!!