Gifts Of Stock And Appreciated Assets
Gifts of stocks can provide benefits to both The Children’s Room and to the donor. Because individual circumstances differ, we encourage donors to seek advice from their own legal and financial advisers.
If you wish to discuss a gift of stock or an appreciated asset in greater detail, please contact Kim Cayer, Philanthropy Director, at (617) 519-3098 or by email at
The Children’s Room Tax ID# 04-3316013.

How It Works
- You transfer appreciated stocks, bonds, or mutual fund shares to us. Sample language is shown below.
- Short term assets can also be donated. They will avoid being taxed as regular income if sold and a charitable deduction will be received.
- You receive a federal income tax deduction for the full fair market value of the securities on the day they are received.
- You pay no capital gains or income tax when the donated securities are sold.
Sample Letter
Once you have decided to make the donation, the transfer is fairly easy for you to initiate. Here is sample language that you could use to send to your broker to request the gift of stock.
Dear xxxxx,
I would like to make a gift of stock to The Children’s Room of Arlington, MA.
Please transfer the following securities:
Security name
Number of shares
Fidelity Investments
DTC # 0226
For the benefit of The Children’s Room
Fidelity account # (please email us to obtain the account information.)
Thank you and regards,
Please send an email to The Children’s Room at to notify us.