The Gift of Hope
Tribute and memorial gifts are a powerful way to honor or remember someone special by providing grieving families with the support of a warm and caring community.
Celebrate important life events like birthdays, weddings, and graduations. Remember a friend or family member on their birthday, at the holidays, or on meaningful anniversaries.
If you so choose, we will also send a notification to the family of your thoughtful gift.
Please note that all gifts by check or credit card are fully tax-deductible. The Children’s Room Tax ID# 04-3316013.

We were touched to receive this note that accompanied a recent donation:
To the amazing people at The Children’s Room,
When I asked my dad what I could get him for Christmas, he told me that he would rather a donation be made to TCR. His granddaughters (my nieces) got so much out of the services that your organization provides. Our family will always keep The Children’s Room close to our hearts.
With love & gratitude –
We deeply appreciate all donations of any value. Your support makes it possible for us to provide hope-giving programs, free of charge, to grieving children, teens, and families.