Monthly Archives: May 2015

Franz Wright, Pulitzer Prize-winning poet & former TCR volunteer, dies at 62

Last night, volunteers and staff at TCR shared heartfelt memories of Franz Wright, the Pulitzer Prize-winning poet who had spent many years volunteering alongside them in Thursday night peer support groups at TCR. Wright died in his home on Thursday, May 14th at the [...]

2020-06-25T15:50:32+00:00May 22nd, 2015|News|

TCR Training Professionals in Japan

In March 2011, one of the most powerful earthquakes in recorded history hit the coast of Japan, triggering a tsunami with waves reaching over 100 feet high and traveling as far as 6 miles inland. Nearly 19,000 people died, with many more seriously injured [...]

2020-06-25T15:50:32+00:00May 2nd, 2015|News|