As we enter a new program year at The Children’s Room, we want to introduce the incredible people who make our work possible. Our Program Team is the heart of everything we do, providing compassionate care and support to children, teens, and families navigating grief. Whether through direct center-based services in Arlington and virtually, school and community programs, and education and training for external professionals, this team works tirelessly to ensure that children and teens get the grief support they need.

Last year, TCR served over 2,400 children and teens through our center-based programs, school and community-based services, and grief awareness programs in the community. Additionally, we provided vital support to over 300 parents and primary caregivers and collaborated with nearly 470 professionals to foster grief-sensitive communities. This remarkable impact is a direct result of our Program Team’s dedication, and we’re excited to build on these successes in the coming year.

Center-Based Services: Creating Safe and Supportive Spaces

Our center-based grief support programs are offered in-person at our Arlington Center or virtually; they are geared towards children and teens ages 3 1⁄2 to 18 who have experienced the death of a parent or sibling, as well as their parents or primary caregivers. Here is the team at the heart of this important work:

School and Community-Based Services: Extending Our Reach

Our School and Community-Based Services team partners with schools and organizations to bring trauma-informed, grief-sensitive support to children and teens in familiar environments. These services help ensure students receive the support they need while remaining connected in their familiar, everyday environments.

Program Operations: Tying It All Together

The Program Operations team works to ensure everything runs smoothly. From coordinating logistics to managing resources, they play a crucial role in supporting staff and families. Their attention to detail and commitment to creating an organized, effective environment allows our services to thrive, helping us reach more children, teens, and families.

TCR’s Program Team’s commitment to providing compassionate grief support is stronger than ever. With our team growing and evolving, we’re better equipped to deliver the care our families can lean on. Last month, we welcomed six new interns to the TCR family. Their fresh perspectives and enthusiasm are already making a positive impact. We’ve also expanded our group of volunteer facilitators, many of whom recently completed our comprehensive training. Their dedication will be key to extending our outreach and impact in the community.

Whether it’s leading peer support groups, co-facilitating with our interns and volunteer facilitators, or collaborating with community partners, every member of the team plays a crucial role in making TCR a place of healing and hope.

We’d love for you to get to know the incredible people behind the scenes! Visit our staff page to learn more about the Program Team and how each member makes a difference in the lives of grieving children, teens, and families.

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