At The Children’s Room (TCR), we are grateful for the incredible generosity of our corporate partners. We’re thrilled to share that Movement Mortgage has donated a generous $10,000 through its GraceWorks program. This kind of support is not just appreciated—it’s transformative.

As a 100% privately funded organization, TCR depends entirely on the kindness of individuals, corporations, foundations, and community groups. With 98% of our budget funded by philanthropy, contributions like Movement Mortgage’s are vital. They enable us to continue offering crucial grief support services to the children, teens, and families who need them most and, most importantly, free of charge.

We are deeply honored to be part of this generous community and are profoundly grateful for Movement Mortgage’s support. Their donation helps us continue to provide compassionate and essential services, making a real difference in the lives of grieving families.

Feeling inspired to make a difference?

Here are some ways your company can make a lasting impact:

  1. Recommend TCR for a grant through your company giving program. 
  2. See if your employer matches employee contributions to double your impact.
  3. Get your company to sponsor our annual Circle of Hope Breakfast. Giving levels begin at $1,000.
  4. Invite TCR to do an information gathering at your employer, during which time we’ll share more about our mission and provide information about volunteer opportunities – including board positions.

Whether you’re considering donating or looking for other ways to support our mission, we invite you to connect with our Philanthropy Team. Every contribution helps us bring hope and healing to those who need it most.

Get in touch with our Philanthropy Team to learn more about how you can be a part of this meaningful work.

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