The Role of Third-Party Fundraisers in Nonprofit Success

Fundraising is the lifeblood of nonprofits, but organizing events can be resource-intensive and time-consuming. That’s where third-party events come into play, providing invaluable support to organizations like The Children’s Room. Third-party events hosted by individuals or groups outside the nonprofit offer a powerful way [...]

2024-09-12T19:38:19+00:00September 12th, 2024|Advocacy, Events, Memorial Events, News, TCR Team, Uncategorized|

The BrittyBash: A Fundraiser supporting The Children’s Room

At The Children’s Room, we rely on more than just internal fundraising efforts to continue our mission of supporting children, teens, and families. Third-party events hosted by generous partners are significant in expanding our reach and ensuring we have the resources to provide compassionate [...]

2024-09-17T14:14:56+00:00September 10th, 2024|Advocacy, Events, News, Uncategorized|

The Impact of Corporate Giving: Thanks Movement Mortgage!

At The Children’s Room (TCR), we are grateful for the incredible generosity of our corporate partners. We’re thrilled to share that Movement Mortgage has donated a generous $10,000 through its GraceWorks program. This kind of support is not just appreciated—it’s transformative. As a 100% [...]

2024-08-20T15:49:54+00:00August 16th, 2024|Advocacy, News, Uncategorized|

Standing Together at The Survivors Gathering

TCR is honored to have participated in The Survivors Gathering, hosted by the Boston Police Department for those impacted by homicide. TCR provided resources and stood in solidarity with the community, fostering togetherness and hope. Claire Blackford, Program Coordinator for School and Community-based Services, [...]

2024-07-10T14:26:59+00:00July 9th, 2024|Advocacy, Events, News, Resources, TCR Team, Uncategorized, Volunteers|

Finding Healing and Renewal in the Lost Pond: A Journey of Grief, Resilience, and Reflection

The Lost Pond is a wilded sanctuary space that spans the border between Newton and Brookline, MA. It includes long, meandering trails, a kettle hole, and a quaking bog. A section of the surrounding woods was recently remediated because of its proximity to the [...]

2023-09-14T14:42:24+00:00September 14th, 2023|Advocacy, Books, Child Loss, News, Uncategorized|

Supporting Children and Teens Through Change: Navigating the Return to School After a Loss

“August is like the Sunday of Summer…”   This meme has been popping up across social media and traded in text messages as adults feel the approaching close of summer and tug towards transitions into the fall. Kids have also felt changes approaching as [...]

2023-08-23T12:38:00+00:00August 22nd, 2023|Advocacy, Resources, Uncategorized|

The Value of Continuous Support: How Donors Helped Our Teen Programs

Fall YIP Graduation: Sudbury students presents a check donation to The Children's Room Though experiencing death can be a life-changing event for anyone, adolescence is a crucial development period. And our program staff consistently listens to our community on how we can better serve [...]

2023-02-15T19:08:44+00:00February 13th, 2023|Advocacy, News, Teens|