
“Even” Professionals Grieve

In her most recent blog post for Psychology Today, our own Phyllis Silverman reflects on her recent personal experiences.  She examines her own strong, emotional reaction to our amazing Teen Performance Troupe in the context of being a professional in the field of bereavement.  [...]

2020-06-25T15:50:50+00:00June 3rd, 2009|News, Resources|

Leaving in July

Our Executive Director, Barbara Clarke, will be leaving The Children’s Room on July 31st.  Barbara has been with The Children’s Room for almost three years, and has helped us enhance our community profile, professionalize our fundraising, and modernize our technological capabilities. We express our [...]

2009-05-31T07:16:33+00:00May 31st, 2009|News|

Announcing Summer 2009 Workshop Series

Join us this summer at The Children's Room for our inaugaral Summer Workshop Series.  Day-long workshops will offer educators, mental health professionals and others opportunities to learn how to better support grieving children, teens and young adults.  More info here.

2009-04-26T07:00:31+00:00April 26th, 2009|News|