A Better Understanding of Grief in Our Community

The Parmenter Foundation recently hosted a powerful panel event at Regis College, bringing together experts from nonprofits to explore ways of better understanding grief in our community. The Children's Room was proud to participate. Christine Lambright, our Program Director for School and Community-Based [...]

Exploring Therapeutic Space Planning

Early this August, The Children’s Room welcomed a group of students from Tufts University for a special visit focused on therapeutic space planning. This engaging session, led by Laurie Moskowitz-Corrois, Associate Program Director for Family and Expressive Arts at TCR, offered a deep dive [...]

Pillars of Strength at The Children’s Room

At The Children's Room, our commitment to supporting children, teens, and families who have experienced a loss is deeply connected with the dedication and involvement of our community, grounded in the essential skills we collectively share. Each year, over 50 volunteers dedicate their time [...]

2024-10-29T14:21:31+00:00April 16th, 2024|News, Training, Uncategorized, Volunteers|

Finding the Words – Ways to Offer Support When Someone Is Grieving

Navigating grief can indeed be a solitary journey, often leaving individuals feeling adrift in unfamiliar emotional terrain. However, within these challenging moments, providing meaningful support becomes abundantly clear. Recently, The Children's Room hosted a thought-provoking presentation led by Jen Noonan, Program Director for [...]

Empowering Professionals Working with Grieving Children Through Education

With an estimated 1 in 13 children in the state of Massachusetts experiencing the death of a parent or sibling before they reach the age of 18, it is likely that many adults will, at some point, know a grieving child or teen.  This [...]

2024-02-02T15:39:17+00:00February 2nd, 2024|News, Resources, TCR Team, Training, workshops or conferences|

Understanding Grief in Children and Teens: Normalizing and Nurturing the Process

What is grief? Most people respond by saying it is sadness, but grief is far more expansive and complicated. It has many feelings attached to it, often several at the same time. Historically, it has been thought that infants and children do not grieve, [...]

2023-10-19T14:27:11+00:00October 19th, 2023|Child Loss, News, Resources, TCR Team, Training|

The Launch of Fall Programs 2023-2024 at TCR

This fall brings new and exciting ways of doing things at The Children’s Room. We continue to be committed to providing direct grief support services - both in person at our Center in Arlington, in the Community at Schools or Community Organizations, and through [...]

2023-09-20T19:09:08+00:00September 19th, 2023|Child Loss, Events, News, Resources, Teens, Training, Uncategorized, Volunteers|

School & Community-Based Services

The annual Child Bereavement Estimation Model, (CBEM), conducted by Denver-based research organization, Judi's House and the New York Life Foundation, estimates that 1 in 14 children in Massachusetts* will experience the death of a parent or a sibling by the age of 18. This means [...]

2021-09-28T14:51:33+00:00September 28th, 2021|Child Loss, News, Resources, Teens, Training|