Last July, The Children’s Room had the honor of presenting at the Massachusetts Teachers Association (MTA) Summer Conference, held at UMass Amherst. Our workshop, titled “Integrating Social-Emotional Learning and Grief Support in the Classroom,” brought together educators from across the state to explore innovative strategies for supporting students who are grieving.

Led by Christine Lambright, TCR’s Program Director for School and Community-based Services, and Claire Blackford, Program Coordinator for School and Community-based Services, the session delved into the critical role educators play in understanding and addressing grief in the classroom. When a student experiences the death of a parent, guardian, or sibling, the impact on their social-emotional well-being can be profound. Christine and Claire emphasized the importance of grief-informed practices that acknowledge this loss and provide the necessary support to help students navigate their emotions.

The workshop focused on practical strategies for integrating social-emotional learning (SEL) and grief support into daily classroom activities. Key areas of discussion included:

  • Creating grief-sensitive environments.
  • Incorporating SEL activities that teach about change and loss.
  • Fostering peer support among students.

These approaches are designed to help students process their grief in a supportive, understanding setting, which is essential for their overall well-being.

Christine and Claire also shared the tools and resources TCR uses to support students who are grieving effectively. These resources empower educators to feel confident in their ability to address grief in their classrooms and provide the necessary support to help students cope with their loss.

For educators looking to enhance their social-emotional learning programs and incorporate grief support into their classrooms, the insights offered during this presentation were invaluable. The session provided practical strategies and reinforced the importance of creating grief-sensitive and trauma-informed schools. As we rethink education for a transformative future, these practices are essential for fully supporting students, their families, and the entire school community.

At The Children’s Room, we remain committed to supporting educators in this vital work and continuing to share our expertise in grief support and social-emotional learning. By working together, we can create school environments that are compassionate, understanding, and genuinely supportive of all students.

Interested in learning more about our School and Community-based Services?

Contact us today to discover how we can partner with your school to provide the support and resources needed to help grieving students thrive.

To learn more about our School and Community-based Services, click here.

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