What is the next step?

That answer depends on where you are. We offer you a number of ways to take a small or bigger step. You can sign up for our newsletters or follow us on Facebook if you want to become more acquainted with our work as [...]

2020-09-09T19:15:08+00:00September 9th, 2020||

Does it matter how my person died?

We work with families whose person died for a variety of reasons. The majority of our families have had a parent/spouse/co-parent die, but we also work with families whose child/sibling died. The most common cause of death is cancer or other medical issues, but [...]

2020-09-09T19:16:52+00:00September 9th, 2020||

How many people do you help?

The Children’s Room is the region’s largest child bereavement organization. We serve over 700 people across our programs annually. Services include peer-based grief support groups for families with children and teens aged 3½-18, offered at our Arlington center, as well as in schools and [...]

2020-09-09T19:18:19+00:00November 27th, 2012||

How long do families stay in the program?

The answer is as unique as the families' need. Typically, families come towards within the first year since their person died and stay with us 2-3 years. Since we offer a range of programming, including phone consultations, often families will participate in multiple programs [...]

2020-09-09T19:19:04+00:00November 27th, 2012||

How much do you charge?

All of our services are free of charge. We know that a death is often accompanied by financial hardship and we do not want to add to that burden. Grieving families have enough to deal with, without making cost a barrier. Because we offer [...]

2020-09-09T19:15:59+00:00November 27th, 2012||

How do you fund your work?

Over 80% of our income comes from individuals. The Children’s Rooms does not charge fees for program participation: 98% of our annual budget is raised from private philanthropy; 20% from foundation and corporate funders and 80% from individual donations. We have created a donor [...]

2020-09-09T19:14:55+00:00November 27th, 2012||