(left to right) Taylor Gray, Becca Meyers, Emily Ellis, Anna Cherubino, Brycelin Roux, Maria Keeler, Aishwarya Jha
As another school year begins, The Children’s Room is once again welcoming a new group of Program Interns.
TCR’s 2014-15 Internship Program includes our largest group ever, with 7 graduate and undergraduate students.
Development of TCR’s Internship Program
The Children’s Room has been hosting interns for just over a decade. TCR’s Internship Program has experienced impressive growth and professional development over the past few years, thanks to the leadership of Colleen Shannon, Associate Program Director – Youth & Community Outreach.
As word has spread among students and faculty, The Children’s Room has become a well-respected and desirable intern site. Because of this, students interested in our Internship Program participate in a competitive application process.
Schools represented by this year’s interns include Lesley University, Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology, and Wheelock College. In addition to our Program Interns, TCR will also be hosting an undergraduate Research Intern from Tufts University who will be focused on program evaluation.
Program Interns assist in multiple peer support groups, our parent education series, and providing information and referrals to callers in need of grief support.
Now Offering Weekly Intern Seminar
For the first time, TCR interns will be participating in a weekly seminar, providing an opportunity for didactic as well as experiential learning.
TCR’s Program Staff will lead interns in covering topics such as child development and grief, bereavement theory, cultural diversity, religion and spirituality, and expressive arts.
TCR is able to offer this additional educational component thanks to the direction and experience of our Clinical Director, Nancy Frumer Styron, Psy.D (click name to read bio).
Our Internship Program has become an invaluable part of The Children’s Room. With the help of talented and trained interns, TCR is able to leverage staff time to provide a range of programs for grieving children and families – all while helping to educate the next generation of professionals entering the mental health field.