The Children’s Room

The BrittyBash: A Fundraiser supporting The Children’s Room

At The Children’s Room, we rely on more than just internal fundraising efforts to continue our mission of supporting children, teens, and families. Third-party events hosted by generous partners are significant in expanding our reach and ensuring we have the resources to provide compassionate [...]

2024-09-17T14:14:56+00:00September 10th, 2024|Advocacy, Events, News, Uncategorized|

The Impact of Corporate Giving: Thanks Movement Mortgage!

At The Children’s Room (TCR), we are grateful for the incredible generosity of our corporate partners. We’re thrilled to share that Movement Mortgage has donated a generous $10,000 through its GraceWorks program. This kind of support is not just appreciated—it’s transformative. As a 100% [...]

2024-08-20T15:49:54+00:00August 16th, 2024|Advocacy, News, Uncategorized|

Creating Grief-Sensitive Classrooms: Insights from TCR’s Workshop at the Massachusetts Teachers Association Summer Conference

Last July, The Children's Room had the honor of presenting at the Massachusetts Teachers Association (MTA) Summer Conference, held at UMass Amherst. Our workshop, titled "Integrating Social-Emotional Learning and Grief Support in the Classroom," brought together educators from across the state to explore innovative [...]

Grieving as a Bereaved Parent While Supporting Grieving Children

Experiencing the death of a child is an unimaginable loss that profoundly impacts every aspect of a parent's life. As bereaved parents, not only do you have to grapple with your grief, but you also face the daunting challenge of supporting your surviving children [...]

2024-10-29T14:00:34+00:00July 16th, 2024|Child Loss, Family Stories, News, Resources, Uncategorized|

Standing Together at The Survivors Gathering

TCR is honored to have participated in The Survivors Gathering, hosted by the Boston Police Department for those impacted by homicide. TCR provided resources and stood in solidarity with the community, fostering togetherness and hope. Claire Blackford, Program Coordinator for School and Community-based Services, [...]

2024-07-10T14:26:59+00:00July 9th, 2024|Advocacy, Events, News, Resources, TCR Team, Uncategorized, Volunteers|

We Don’t Want to Grieve Alone: A Public Service Announcement from NACG

The National Alliance for Children's Grief (NACG) has released a campaign to bring attention to the needs of children and teens who are grieving the death of a loved one or close family member. The aim of the campaign is to raise awareness and [...]

2024-10-29T14:06:02+00:00June 27th, 2024|News, Resources, Uncategorized|

TCR at 2024 NACG Annual Symposium: Exploring Virtual Services in Grief Support

We are excited to share that The Children's Room has made a significant impact at the 2024 National Alliance for Children's Grief (NACG) Annual Symposium. Our Associate Program Director for Family and Expressive Arts, Laurie Moskowitz-Corrois, and Program Coordinator for Center-based Services, Lucy [...]

2024-10-29T14:08:41+00:00June 20th, 2024|Art, Child Loss, Events, News, TCR Team, Uncategorized|

New Data from Judi’s House/JAG Institute Highlights Rising Childhood Bereavement Rates in 2024

Recent data from Judi's House/JAG Institute's Childhood Bereavement Estimation Model (CBEM) shows a concerning trend: a significant increase in the number of bereaved children since 2020. The 2024 CBEM results indicate that the number of children who will experience the death of a parent [...]

2024-10-29T17:47:06+00:00June 17th, 2024|News, Resources, Uncategorized|

Celebrating Excellence: Long-Time TCR Volunteer, Alan Simpson Honored with Myra Kraft Community MVP Award

We are excited to share the wonderful news that Alan Simpson, a long-time volunteer and board member at The Children’s Room, has been honored by the New England Patriots with the prestigious 2024 Myra Kraft Community MVP Award. This award recognizes volunteers who have [...]

2024-06-17T13:22:33+00:00June 17th, 2024|News, Uncategorized, Volunteers|

Finding Support in Familiar Spaces: How The Children’s Room Supports Grieving Students in Schools and Communities

A study from the Boson Public Health Commission, Health of Boston 2024 Mental Health Report, states that more than one in three Boston public high school students reported experiencing persistent sadness for two weeks or more. For children and teens who have experienced the [...]

2024-05-22T17:37:14+00:00May 20th, 2024|News, Uncategorized|