Participants were able to experience a TCR Family Night activity in an interactive presentation led by Laurie Moskowitz-Corrois and Colleen Shannon.
In June, staff members from The Children’s Room (TCR) attended the 2016 National Alliance For Grieving Children Symposium in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Held annually, this conference brings together professionals from across the United States and Canada who work in the field of grief support. TCR staff has been a regular contributor at this gathering, the largest of its kind in the country.
At this year’s symposium, Associate Program Directors Laurie Moskowitz-Corrois and Colleen Shannon presented a workshop about TCR’s Family Night program, an expressive arts-based evening that offers grieving family members the opportunity to work together on a specific project. Through an interactive, activity-based learning and discussion session, Laurie and Colleen shared their expertise and their experience with incorporating expressive arts activities into the healing process of grieving families.
“Our Family Night program allows us to support many families whose needs are best served through this monthly activity,” said TCR Executive Director Donna Smith Sharff. “At NAGC’s symposium, we were proud to have the opportunity to share this program’s success with helping families integrate loss into the life of their new family structure.”
TCR staff received overwhelmingly positive feedback from their peers about the presentation. Conference-goers said that their communities could be better served with programming like TCR’s Family Night model, and there was significant interest in adopting similar programming at their own organizations.
This and other conference experiences affirmed that The Children’s Room is a leader in its field.