If you want to know when your favorite website (or blog) adds new information, you could keep checking the site to see if something new shows up, but who has that time? Instead, if you subscribe to an RSS feed, the feed will tell you when something new has been added. There are a bunch of different ways to keep all your RSS feeds in one spot. So you check just one place for all your info.

Microsoft Outlook and most email packages have a way to track them. So does your browser. However, my preference is Bloglines because it allows me to have my own webpage that I have open in my browser (and it’s free). I just click on it and it will tell me which of the sites I track have something new. When I get really busy, it keeps track of what I am missing so when I have time I can catch up.

Some of the sites/blogs I track are:
Hospice Foundation of America: their blog is a great source of information. The often do a round up of news related to issues around hospice and related fields. They also have some great articles by people in the field.

Idealware – is a blog about technology for non-profits. Who doesn’t need help sorting out the new technology! Even someone as geeky as I am needs a lot of help.

Arlington Chamber of Commerce – so I know what’s going on locally. And, of course, I love Michèle Meagher’s witty writing and energy.

I also track my LinkedIn network, too.

And, Dilbert. Yes, the comics. Because everyone needs comic relief.

What feeds do you track? Let us know if there are some that The Children’s Room should know about.

By Published On: July 1st, 2008Categories: News

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