
Drop-In Discussion Group – March 10

Our parent alumni group is hosting a monthly series of informal discussion evenings. We hope these Wednesday evening discussion groups will be especially supportive for parents and guardians of families on our waitlist. We meet at the house in Arlington from 7:00-8:30 pm. Upcoming Dates: March [...]

2010-02-24T10:04:33+00:00February 24th, 2010|News|

HFA Webinar Series: Helping Children & Adolescents Cope with Grief & Loss

Hospice Foundation of America (HFA) is presenting a webinar series on helping children and adolescents cope with grief and loss: 1. Bereavement Camps for Kids: Benefits and Challenges – February 1, 1:00-2:30pm ET 2. Bereaved Children & Adolescents: Lessons from Research – April 14, 1:00-2:30pm ET 3. Grieving [...]

Drop-In Discussion Groups

 Our parent alumni group, who have been through our program, will be hosting a series of informal discussion evenings. We hope these Wednesday evening discussion groups will be especially supportive for parents and guardians of families on our waitlist. Please RSVP to to [...]

2020-09-09T01:04:10+00:00January 7th, 2010|Child Loss, Events, News, Resources|

Community Candle Lighting

An evening of light and remembrance was celebrated December 9th, at our Community Candle Lighting.  We worked together to create a special wreath, as everyone decorated ribbons with messages, memories and wishes and tied them to a circle of evergreens.  Our Circle of Light ceremony started as we lit five tall candles representing grief, [...]

2020-09-09T01:08:44+00:00December 10th, 2009|Events, News|